Tips to Close More Personal Trainer Sales

Tips to Close More Personal Trainer Sales

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Selling personal training sessions can be a delicate task. On one hand, you don’t want to be too pushy, as you may make the prospect feel as if you only care about their money, thus turning them off. On the other hand, if you are too timid, you will struggle to close the sale as often as you should.  So, how do you strike the right balance to ensure you close as many personal training sales as possible? We have the answers. In this post, we will walk you through six tips that will help you to close more personal training sales and grow your membership.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

You may be tempted to spend the entire time during the consultation with the prospect, talking about how amazing your personal training company is or how unique your services are. 

But, you should avoid this approach. Instead, you should try to get the prospect talking about themselves early into the consultation. And, you can achieve this by asking open-ended questions. 

With open-ended questions, you will encourage dialogue, keep the prospect engaged and allow them to talk about their challenges. And, you will be able to understand their pain points. From there, you will have all the information you need to tailor your messaging accordingly and you will be better positioned to close the sale. 

Focus on the Benefits

Whenever you are pitching your personal training services to a prospective client, you should focus on what you can do for them or how they stand to benefit from your personal training services as opposed to what they can buy for you. 

Using this approach will show the prospect that you are invested in helping them to accomplish their fitness goals. And by doing so, you will be able to tap into their emotions and convince them that they need your personal training services. 

Acknowledge and Address their Concerns Right Away

Most of the prospects you will encounter will raise some concerns, regardless of how well you’ve executed your personal training sales pitch. For instance, some prospects may mention that your services are outside their budget, others may say they don’t have enough time to train while some may say they’ve had a bad experience with another personal trainer. 

Regardless of the concerns raised by the prospect, you should listen, acknowledge and address them. Acknowledging and addressing their concerns shows you are a considerate and honest fitness instructor. 

At the same time, you will be gaining their trust and positioning yourself as a trainer they would want to work with. Consequently, you will have an easier time convincing them to sign up for your services when it’s time to close the sale. 

Sell with Conviction

What exactly is selling with conviction? Selling with conviction means having the strong belief that your fitness product or service offers great value to the prospect, it’s incontrovertible, unique and important. And, the more conviction you bring to the sales opportunity, the higher the possibility of closing the sale. 

At the end of the day, if you can’t convince the prospect that your product or service is the best positioned to address their pain points, they will not feel confident to proceed with the sale.  

Ask for the Sale

While asking for the sale appears to be an obvious part of the conversion process, some personal trainers may be hesitant to do it, out of fear they will appear pushy or salesy. But, as long as you’ve spent enough time explaining your offer and its benefits, then there’s nothing wrong with asking for a decision. 

So, ask the prospective client if they are ready to proceed with your offer and you will be surprised how many will answer in the affirmative. After all, if you don’t ask for the sale, you will have wasted all your time and effort. 

Follow Up

Regardless of how much effort you put into your pitching, some prospects may not be ready to take you up on your offer after your initial consultation. But, this doesn’t mean you should give up. As long as they’ve shown some interest in your offer, there’s a high possibility of signing up down the road. Maybe they are not ready to commit at the moment due to finances, family, a vacation or other commitments. 

So, ensure you keep following up with them either using social media, newsletter or other relevant communication channels. And, when it’s time to proceed with the next step, you will be the first name at the top of their head. 

In Conclusion

By implementing the tips we’ve shared here, you will have an easier time selling personal training, close more sales and get back to what you love doing most – helping people achieve their fitness goals. 

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