10 Must Have AngularJS Development Tools and Extensions:

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AngularJS, a JavaScript-based open-source system, has been a distinct advantage in the realm of web development since its origin in 2010. It offers mobile app development teams an organized way to approach creating dynamic web apps, empowering them to make exceptionally interactive and responsive UIs. So that when you hire angularjs developer you get an optimum app development service. To upgrade the process of app development and efficiency, plenty of tools and extensions have arisen. In this write-up, we’ll explore 10 must-have AngularJS development tools & extensions that engage mobile app developers to make powerful applications quickly and easily.

AngularJS Batarang:

AngularJS Batarang is an authority extension created by the Angular group itself. An incredible asset that gives profound bits of insights into your AngularJS apps. It’s accessible as a Chrome browser extension & helps mobile app developers in profiling, debugging, and figuring out their application’s exhibition. With features such as dependency injection graph, component tree visualization, and scope inspection, Batarang assists development teams in identifying bottlenecks as well as streamlining their codebase.

If you hire dedicated mobile app developers from an app development company then you will surely get to know how debugging is important. Debugging is a fundamental part of s/w development, & Batarang works on the process by offering continuous bits of insights into the state and behavior of apps. The component tree visualization provides the development team with a clear outline of the app’s design, assisting them with understanding how components are nested and connected. The dependency injection graph offers permeability into the flow of information and services, helping with the recognizable proof of potential issues.


End-to-end testing is essential to guarantee the usefulness and stability of web apps. Protractor is an end-to-end testing framework designed explicitly for AngularJS apps. It’s based on top WebDriverJS & gives a more significant level API for testing AngularJS apps proficiently. Protractor’s strong features incorporate automatic waiting for real-time debugging, Angular elements, and support for behavior-driven development (BDD) testing utilizing tools such as Cucumber.

Protractor works on the most common way of writing & executing end-to-end tests by giving an exhaustive set-up of tools. Its automatic waiting feature guarantees that tests are synchronized with Angular’s asynchronous behavior, eliminating the need for manual waits & timeouts. Real-time debugging permits the development team to assess the app’s state during test execution, making it simpler to recognize the main driver of failures. The integration with BDD tools such as Cucumber advances collaboration efforts among engineers and non-technical partners, guaranteeing that the application’s way of behaving lines up with business necessities.


During development, testing applications on different devices or sharing them with clients for review is normal. hire angularjs developer who has good command on ngrok, as it simplifies this development process by making secure tunnels to your local server. It wipes out the problem of conveying your application to a remote server for testing, permitting you to uncover your local server to the internet. This tool is hugely valuable for displaying progress to stakeholders and testing webhooks & APIs.

ngrok gives a consistent method for making your local server open remotely without the complexities of designing firewall rules or domain settings. It produces a temporary public URL that advances requests to your local server, empowering remote access. This is especially significant when you need to share a work-in-progress app with clients or team members for review. Furthermore, ngrok upholds inspecting & replaying HTTP requests, supporting the debugging of APIs & webhooks.

Yeoman with AngularJS Generators:

Yeoman is a famous scaffolding tool that automates the most common way of setting up a directory structure, building configurations, & basic files of a project. With the AngularJS Generators plugin, the development team can rapidly produce standard code for AngularJS apps, including directives, services, components, controllers, and more. This essentially speeds up the process of development, guaranteeing consistency and adherence to best practices. And if you hire dedicated developer from a top-rated app development organization it will help you to get the optimum app development services at a reasonable price.

Yeoman’s AngularJS Generators work on the setup of the project by giving an assortment of layouts that stick to AngularJS conventions. Rather than manually making documents and directories, the development team can utilize Yeoman commands to produce code snippets for different components. This saves time as well as authorizes consistency across the project, as the generated code follows laid-out AngularJS designs. Via automating repetitive tasks, Yeoman permits the development team to concentrate on building unique features & functionality.


This is another strong option in contrast to AngularJS’s built-in routing system. It gives advanced features such as state management, nested views, & multiple-named views, enabling the development team to make complex and profoundly customizable app layouts. flexibility and extensibility of UI-Router make it a vital device for building modern as well as dynamic UIs.

While AngularJS’s default routing system handles fundamental navigation, UI-Router takes routing to a higher level by presenting the idea of states. States typify the route as well as the related views and information, permitting the development team to make more complex app structures. Nested views enable the production of hierarchical layouts, which is particularly helpful for apps with complex UIs. Moreover, UI-Router’s ability to deal with various named views inside a single state adds one more layer of customization, empowering the development team to make intricate page layouts.

AngularJS Material:

UI design plays a significant role in the progress of any app, so always give preference to hire dedicated developer that can give you eye-catchy UI. AngularJS Material is a User Interface component library that offers a bunch of well-planned and responsive User Interface components following the Material Design guidelines of Google. These components can be flawlessly incorporated into AngularJS apps to accomplish a clean and predictable visual design. From buttons & cards to dialog boxes & sliders, AngularJS Material simplifies User Interface development while keeping an expert look.

AngularJS Material gives a range of pre-designed User Interface components that stick to the Material Design principles of Google. This guarantees that your app’s UI looks visually engaging as well as gives a familiar and consistent experience to clients. By utilizing AngularJS Material components, the development team can save time on styling & concentrate more on implementing functionality. Furthermore, the library’s responsive design features add to making apps that adjust well to various screen sizes & devices.


Endless scrolling, where new content loads as the client scrolls down, is a famous design pattern in web apps. ngInfiniteScroll is an AngularJS mandate that empowers the execution of this pattern with minimal effort. It naturally triggers the loading of new information when the client approaches the current content’s end. This extension is especially helpful for apps that display large lists or grids of items.

Traditional pagination can be cumbersome, particularly while dealing with large datasets. ngInfiniteScroll offers an easier-to-use approach by giving a consistent scrolling experience. As the client scrolls down, new information is loaded dynamically, eradicating the requirement for manual pagination. This further develops the user experience by diminishing the number of clicks expected to get to additional content. ngInfiniteScroll is exceptionally adaptable, permitting the development team to fine-tune its way of behaving to suit the application’s necessities.


Working with RESTful APIs is a common prerequisite in modern web apps. Restangular is an AngularJS service that works on the method of making HTTP demands and handling API responses. It gives a more elevated level abstraction than AngularJS’s $http service, offering features such as easy configuration, nested resource handling, & support for common RESTful operations. Restangular streamlines API integration & promotes cleaner, more maintainable code.

Hire angularjs developer who knows the importance of API. As the essential objective of Restangular is to make working with RESTful APIs more intuitive & developer-friendly. It permits the development team to cooperate with API resources utilizing a natural syntax that looks like the API’s structure. Nested resources are supported out of the box, which is particularly important while dealing with APIs that have complex connections between entities. Restangular’s configuration choices empower customization of default behaviors, for example, URL templates & request headers. By abstracting away, the intricacies of HTTP requests, Restangular improves efficiency and code readability.

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