The Top Ways To Avoid Blocked Drains In Home & Business In Sydney.

The Top Ways To Avoid Blocked Drains In Home & Business In Sydney.

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There are still some people in the Sydney area and indeed right across this great country of ours who still believe that there is nothing that they can do to avoid blocked drains in their homes or business premises. This couldn’t be further from the truth and there are many things that you can do every day and every week to ensure that you, your family, your employees and your business don’t suffer from such a thing. It’s all about taking small measures to get bigger results and it starts with better habits in the kitchen, staff room and shower areas. These are typically the places where issues become bigger problems further down the line.

If you are still somewhat in the dark when it comes to being proactive to keep your drains clear and you are still experiencing blocked drains in Sydney then the following are just some of the measures that you can put into place to make sure that you do not suffer from such things in your daily life which just make everything more difficult than it should be.

  • Boil the kettle – What we are proposing here is not for you to make yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee but to boil the kettle or heat up a pot of water and then when it gets to boiling point, pour it down the sink and drains around your home. You would be surprised at how much grease and other gunk is removed very quickly from your drains and this is something that can be done in only a few minutes.
  • Invest in a strainer – This is such a simple device and yet many Australian homes and businesses do not have one. They are incredibly cheap to buy and they do a fantastic job of keeping things like hair and large pieces of food out of your drainage system. All you need to do is to remember to clean it out when needed and even if you forget, the smell of rotting food will bring your attention to it anyway.
  • Put up some signs – We all assume that common sense is in great abundance nowadays but there is less of it then you might think. People still continue to put things down toilets that are not supposed to be in there and so this results in blockages and major issues. To remind people and indeed to remind your children, it might be a good idea to put up some signs around your home and business telling individuals that the only thing that should be going down the toilet is whatever they leave behind and some toilet roll.

These are three simple pieces of advice so that if followed, will allow your drains to stay clear for longer. There will come a time however when you do need to call out the experts to clear everything away and this is certainly money very well spent. Keep an eye on your drains all the time.

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