The Importance Of Consuming Enough Water For Daily Health And Wellbeing

The Importance Of Consuming Enough Water For Daily Health And Wellbeing

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Water is an essential building block of all life as we know it, and a substance we require to maintain our health and well-being. We need access to fresh, potable water every day of our lives, to drink as well as to bathe properly, and to grow the crops that sustain us. Water actually makes up around 60% of our body mass and we need to replenish our internal supply regularly or risk dehydration that can lead to illness and even death! 

These days a variety of factors have made it so that access to fresh drinking water is no longer a guarantee. Industry and fossil fuel use pollute our water supply, and poor agricultural and land management practices, along with climate change toward a hotter Earth, exacerbate the problem, so that most of the water that comes out of our taps is no longer safe enough to drink without treatment. Fortunately, modern, cost-effective water purification systems are available to ensure we have a proper supply of this indispensable life-giving liquid! If you aren’t sure about the safety of your home’s water supply, then you can have it tested for potability, and if it isn’t drinkable in its natural state, purification can make it so.

Drinking enough water on a daily basis is critical for our good health. Dehydration is dangerous, and it makes us ill- it can cause negative mood swings and clouded thinking, overheating of our critical core temperature, and cause uncomfortable maladies like kidney stones and constipation! Because it has no calories, drinking an ample supply of water can assist us in keeping our weight down to a healthy level, whereas popular processed drinks like sweetened teas and coffees, and energy and soft drinks are usually loaded with sugars that are detrimental to our overall health when consumed in too large a quantity. The following are some of the many reasons why drinking enough water is essential to good health!

Water helps our bodies by:

  • Maintaining a normal body temperature.
  • Protecting our spinal cord and other sensitive body tissues.
  • Lubricating and cushioning our joints.
  • Ridding us of wastes through perspiration, urination, and bowel movements.

Our bodies require more water when we:

  • Are running a fever.
  • Are suffering from vomiting or diarrhoea.
  • Are living in a hot climate.
  • Are physically active.

We all must receive sufficient water from our foods and beverages every single day of our lives! An exact recommendation of how much plain water an individual should consume daily has not been determined because of the enormous amounts of variables that pertain to the subject, but there are some suggested amounts that will help ensure we get enough. 

Our daily total water intake consists of the amount of water we consume in our food, from drinking water and other beverages like coffee and soft drinks. The recommended intake levels are determined by our age, sex, and whether or not we are pregnant or breastfeeding. Foods that contain large amounts of water like fruits, vegetables, and yoghurt account for some of our daily supply, but drinking pure, safe water in addition to those is really the best way to ensure our bodies have enough to stay fit and healthy.

Here are some tips to encourage us to drink more water:

  • Make sure to always drink water at mealtime.
  • Order a glass of water when eating out to save money and calories.
  • Purchase a freezer-safe water bottle so you can have ice-cold water available throughout the day.
  • Avoid sugary drinks that have loads of unhealthy calories in favour of pure water.
  • Always carry a water bottle and keep it refilled as you go.
  • Improve the taste of your drinking water by squeezing some healthy lemon or lime juice into it.

Water isn’t the only drink available, the following beverages can also be consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet:

  • No calorie or low-calorie beverages. Avoid sugar substitutes, they have been proven to be a health risk!
  • Coffee or tea without cream and sugar added.
  • Unsweetened sparkling water.
  • Seltzers and sodas that are unflavoured, or that have low-calorie flavouring added.
  • Low-fat or fat-free milk.
  • Fortified milk alternatives like soy or nut milk.
  • 100% fruit or vegetable juice without added sugars.

The following beverages contain more sugar than is advised when consumed as part of your daily water intake:

  • Sweetened soft drinks, soda pops, and fizzes.
  • Artificially flavoured fruit drinks.
  • Energy drinks.
  • Sports drinks.
  • Sweetened coffee and tea.
  • Alcoholic drinks. These are not advised as they can actually cause dehydration as well as pose other risks to your health.

The Australian government has some recommendations on drinking water if you would like more information on the subject. The main thing is to make sure that you maintain a healthy intake of water every day for your well-being!

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